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The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: I agree with Andrea’s conclusions.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: In my knowledge aren’t strong experimental confirmation for that.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: I don’t know this model.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: It’s my question.
23/06/2021 alle 13:43 in risposta a: Question 10 – Differences in the physical/electromagnetic characteristics #1898The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: It’s uneasy consider too many differences in electromagnetic properties able to justify a therapeutic specific effect in an individual situation but only with that substance in an harmonious relationship with the organism cured, also with the variables of each dilution used.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: If hormesis may be applied for any substance you want consider, homeopathy could have a therapy for any illness. Furthermore, the nano particles aren’t the final point, because are simply the explanation of a receptorial way of acting, but beyond the receptor there’s the real mechanism of action, different for any substance.
23/06/2021 alle 13:39 in risposta a: Question 8 – Molecular substances and receptorial mechanism #1896The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: Yes, according with the presence of nano particles.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: See my answer at questions 6.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: I think that considering D dilution we may introduce elements of confusion, because the ponderal differences are not insignificant using D or CH dilution, it means following entirely different models.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: I believe that there are reasons connected with chemical properties of vehicle or recipients, but I’m not an expert in this field.
23/06/2021 alle 13:16 in risposta a: Question 4 – Nanoparticles in plant and animal high potencies #1892The answer of Francesco Macrì
Why not? The theoretical model could be the same as for metals.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: This consideration is at the basic concepts of homeopathy, the same remedy acts for different symptoms and different remedies acts for the same symptom in individual declination.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: The experiments of Benveniste also for the Water Memory (finally the first model of QED) weren’t confirmed. It may depend on a small difference in the laboratory protocol.
The answer of Francesco Macrì
FM: I moved the same question in a mail some days ago, I believe that it’s of great relevance, the difference could be done to the succussion process.
Questa risposta è stata modificata 3 anni, 8 mesi fa da
Gino Santini.
Questa risposta è stata modificata 3 anni, 8 mesi fa da