Do high potencies (30c-200c and above) contain alkaloids (plants) or aminoacids (venoms), i.e., molecular substances typical of the original raw material and responsible of the mechanism of action accordingly to the pharmacological keyhole receptorial mechanism?
The answer of Andrea Dei
AD: Yes, since I believe to the existence of nanoassociates. Roughly speaking, the human body contains 10^13 cells and under the hypothesis of one receptor per cell, the same number of drug molecules can saturate all the receptors. Whenever less, they can interact with some cells which communicate to the others. The problem is not for the homeopaths, but for orthodox pharmacologists. They have to explain why the doses they use often contain 10 or 100 million of molecules per cell. As an example, an Aspirina pill contains about 10^21 molecules.
Questo topic è stato modificato 3 anni, 7 mesi fa da
Gino Santini.