Question 10 – Differences in the physical/electromagnetic characteristics

Forum 🇬🇧 Questions about hormesis & QED hypothesis Question 10 – Differences in the physical/electromagnetic characteristics

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  • #1867
    Gino SantiniGino Santini
    Amministratore del forum

      Are the experiments performed until now, showing differences in the physical/electromagnetic characteristics between samples and controls, insufficient? What are the weaknesses?

      The answer of Andrea Dei

      AD: I don’t know any experiment supporting this view, but only models. And in my opinion the model is too speculative, but I am not a QED expert. In Florence, where it is operative a group of physicists (they publish in Nature), this view is totally rejected. On the other hand, the origin of the theory is linked to the existence of an universal connection. Do the homeopaths believe that the efficacy of their remedies are determined by quasar photons and non  determined to quasar photons?

      • Questo topic è stato modificato 3 anni, 8 mesi fa da Gino SantiniGino Santini.
      Gino SantiniGino Santini
      Amministratore del forum

        The answer of Francesco Macrì

        FM: It’s uneasy consider too many differences in electromagnetic properties able to justify a therapeutic specific effect in an individual situation but only with that substance in an harmonious relationship with the organism cured, also with the variables of each dilution used.

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