Question 1 – Explanation about different medicinal power

Forum 🇬🇧 Questions about hormesis & QED hypothesis Question 1 – Explanation about different medicinal power

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  • #1853
    Gino SantiniGino Santini
    Amministratore del forum

      From Chikramane: how can we explain the different medicinal power of the different potencies if the concentration, the shape and the size of the nanoparticles is similar starting from 6c up to 200c?

      The answer of Andrea Dei

      AD: I suppose you mention the Langmuir paper. I think that the results reported in this paper are correct, but they are obtained by operating in a specific way, i.e. by picking some drops just from the surface of the solution. When this procedure is not carefully followed, a difference is observed, although not of the same order of magnitude of that expected in a dilution process. This clearly shows up in the results obtained from both the Florence an Verona Labs: for a 30CH a decrease of about 80% of gene expression profiles is observed with respect to 5CH. But it is also true that it is conceptually difficult to wait a difference starting from 12CH, if some memory of water was operative.

      Gino SantiniGino Santini
      Amministratore del forum

        The answer of Francesco Macrì

        FM: I moved the same question in a mail some days ago, I believe that it’s of great relevance, the difference could be done to the succussion process.

        • Questa risposta è stata modificata 3 anni, 8 mesi fa da Gino SantiniGino Santini.
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